Universidad católica de Valparaíso Universidad de Santiago Universidad Católica del Norte
Corfo Gobierno de Chile
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Outreach with socioeconomic actors

Science Up will collaborate outreach activities, consolidating them among the three universities, civil society and productive sector organizations, be they public or private, national or international.

Such connections generated with the social and productive environments are crucial in advancing towards a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the science faculties. To this end, the Consortium has identified relevant actors with whom —through bidirectional, mutually beneficial areas of collaboration —to establish relationships of trust and alignment. This is especially so for those sectors where knowledge development and transfer are still not completely integrated.

Through the organizational structures and human resources dedicated to the management of technology transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship, the three universities within Science Up can provide greater articulation —inter- and intra-institutionally— to systematically implement and promote management and application processes.